Monday, July 17, 2017

hollow type coupling bolt and the hydraulic head/nut

Q4. With regards to main transmission shaft flange coupling arrangement :

a) Sketch a hollow type coupling bolt and the hydraulic head/nut and loading rod which are

 used to fit it; [4 Marks]

b) Describe how the bolt is fitted  [4 Marks ]

High pressure oil pumped into the head pushing down seal piston and rod this acton stretches the bolt (within its elastic limit)and reduces it diametersufficently to make a running fit into the hole. When the fluid pressure is released bolt will expand tightly into the hole with a radial grip simalutaniously  longitudinal contraction with the hand tight nutmaking a complressive load on the face of the nut hydralic head and loading rod is remved and  protective cap and seal is fitted to complete the assembly

c) state the advantage of the hollow coupling bolt as compared to the traditional type of
 coupling bolt [2 Marks ]        
Reduction in fitting and dismantling time, bolts can be used repeatedly.  During installation of traditional bolts, tight tolerance fit into the bolt hole will sometimes cause damage to both the bolt and hole During repeated fitting and removal. Also during the tensioning process the bolt is stretched and reduced in cross section which leads to reduction in the friction between the surfaces of the bolt and the bolt hole Dismantling in.

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