Thursday, July 27, 2017

fin stabilization

) why  Bilge keels are considered as an effective method of roll stabilization in ships 02
      b)   what are the types of tank stabilization                                                                    03
   c)    With reference to fin stabilisers:
      Sketch a block diagram showing an automated control system;                                 (4)
d)With reference to activated fin stabilisers give reasons why:
            i)for large vessels fin stabilisers are preferred to passive tanks;                          (4)
            ii) fin stabilisers are preferred for passenger and fast cargo ships;                    (3)

a)      bilge keels
l  up to 30% roll reduction
l  cheap and easy to maintain
l  effective whether making headway or not
l  simple in construction

b)      Pure Passive
            water movement controlled by baffle plates or manually operated valves
Controlled Passive
            water movement controlled by air or water valves

            water moved by an impeller or pump

         i)Fin stabilisers require much less internal volume than tank stabilisers and the internal space taken up by fins is not usually required for cargo.  Typically, the space taken by a passive tank stabilising system is approximately 900m3 which equates to approximately 20 containers.
         The mass of the fin stabiliser system is also very small compared to the deadweight, whereas passive tank stabilisers take up approximately 1.5% of the displacement.
         Since fin stabilisers are also much more effective than passive tanks, there is less chance of cargo movement/damage and crews are more likely to work at optimum efficiency.
(ii)     In passenger ships, comfort is of prime importance and this necessitates the best roll reduction system available.  Activated fins are the most effective method of roll reduction throughout all periods of wave encounter, mainly due to their rapid response time.  There are also considerations of financial income with regard consumption of food/drink and other purchases.  It has been shown that excessive ship motions have a marked effect on income.

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