Wednesday, June 29, 2016

ship construction -EKG dry dock repair specification

14  As achief engineer officer write a dry dock specification for the repair  for a the repair of following damage  that has occurred ,stating what factors have to be considered when costing the repairs . damage to water ballast tank  number 1 port wing  shell plating thickness 15 mm for approx  2meters square  has to be removed and replaced along with relevant damaged stiffeners

Steel  renewal in no 1 port wing ballast tank
Please quote for following scope of work during stay at dry dock
 Sea water ballast tank tank capacity 5000  m3
open manhole covers 02 nos on deck size  680mmX480mm  for the inspection and to be boxed back after the repair  with new jointings indicate repair cost for replacement of studs .
provide ventilation blowers for the tank during repair  indicate cost per day
provide lighting to the tank
provide man entry certificate and hot work permit during the period of repair
clean the ballast tank  and hose down prior to commencement of the repair
erect staging from frame no 46 to  51 at second stringer level to 2meter height and to remove on completion
erect staging from frame no 46 to  51 for the out side shell on port side to 8meter height from ships baseline and to remove on completion
crop and renew  the damage section of aprox; 02 square meters side shell plating with damaged frames in way of the plating area withclassification approved materials . the material specification andthickness is clealy marked on the shell expansion drawing provided and details of the frames are included in the drawing for preparation.
Marerials certificates welding procedure and  qualified welders are to be provided during the  repair
work to be completed to the satisfaction of the classification society surveyor
on completion of the plate renewl vaccum test to be done on the plates.
Apply paint scheme   with inside the tank as per the attached specification
Paint supplied by ship
Out side the hull apply the yard supplied paint two coats of anti corrosive and anti-fouling paint coating thickness 300 microns are to applied  paint supplied should have anti fouling approval certificate
Clean all debris generated during repair from the tank 
Tank will be pressure tested by ship staff on completion of the repairs by filling with sea water

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